The Bottom Line
by Bill Haggard
Originally published in the May/June 2017 issue of Truly Alive magazine
A lot of people are asking these questions: What is a colonic going to cost me? How long will it take? What’s in it for me? Well, knowing the bottom line may determine whether or not you can even start a project or be able to complete it.
What’s the bottom line? Am I going to live or am I going to die? Will I pass or will I fail? If I begin, will I finish? In this game of life, the “bottom” IS the bottom line. I’m talking about the colon, which has its exit through the bottom. It gets very little consideration. It is somewhat hidden and obscure. It doesn’t get recognition like the heart, the brain, the nervous system, or the face, hands, legs, feet, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, etc. If you ignore the colon; if you neglect it or fail to pay attention to its cues – you will suffer! And that is the bottom line! All aches and pains, tiredness, fatigue, mental sluggishness, sleeplessness, heart palpitations, acid reflux, sore throats, sinus infections, headaches, gall stones, skin breakouts, diarrhea, constipation, strep throat, and urinary tract infections are all colon problems first before they become specific symptoms later.
You may think this is far-fetched…after all, how is the colon related to all these troubles? The colon is built to be very strong, durable and rugged: made to endure abuse or misuse; unlike the tonsils, sinuses, prostate and ovaries which are far more delicate.
If the colon is loaded with stagnant, toxic matter, then everything in direct proximity to it suffers. Therefore, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, spleen and diaphragm suffer as they reside just above the transverse colon. Yikes! There are many organs residing close to the toxic waste dump site (very unhappy if the dump has been building up).
You know, sore throats and stuffy noses means the colon has an overload. It’s just that simple. The weaker vessels always suffer.
It seems unfortunate that the body’s playground resides (and is surrounded by) the sewage treatment plant. Is this poor design, or a stroke of genius? When the colon is kept clean, there are fewer menstrual cramps, better sex, healthier babies, easier deliveries. Your back pain, your hot flashes, your UTI’s…are all colon related. And I could go on and on.
The gut matters. It is the delivery system for nutrition to our cells, muscles, organs, connective tissues, brain and bones. It is also the system that takes care of eliminating waste products and the cellular die off that comes from every part of our body.
Is your body is eliminating an equal amount of waste produced? Is the unused fiber and food taken into the body plus the regular cellular die off leaving in sufficient proportion? Colon output or elimination should equal the input. In other words, if you eat three meals, your elimination should reflect the unused quantity. If it doesn’t, you are in trouble. Where is all the extra waste stored? What happens to it? It gets compressed along the walls of the colon and over time, starts to ferment and rot. The results of this may not be showing up in the short run, however the stage is being set for symptoms to show up later. Most people suppress their symptoms with a visit to their doctor followed by a visit to the drug store, often compounding the problem.
Start enjoying the miracle of life today! Begin by cleaning up the inside of your body. The best place to start is right here at All About Health Inc. Colon Health and Restorative Therapies. We have three competent, skilled and experienced therapists on hand to meet your needs and answer many of your questions and concerns. Reclaim your good health with us.
Love, Bill
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