Your Container: How’s It Doing?
by Bill Haggard, All About Health
Originally published in the May/June 2015 issue of Truly Alive magazine
Your body is an amazing container. It houses your mind and spirit. We are constantly exposed to pollution in our air, water and food, as well as our toxic thoughts, emotions, and electronic bombardment. Some people seem to handle these insults well and take them in stride. It doesn’t seem to affect them, yet it does…there is an accumulation factor taking place and it’s only a matter of time until the weak link appears and registers a problem. And the cause is never the manifestation of disease or the symptom that shows up. It is always the end result of the accumulations – the accrued violations of spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, psychological and environmental laws.
How’s is your body container working? Is your immune function working well? Are your digestive and elimination systems working optimally? Do you have chronic health issues?
The human body can be compared to a building or structure. When you remodel, renovate, or construct a building from scratch, you always make provisions for waste removal, as there is always a mess created as part of any building project. If a waste removal plan is not followed along the way, the job will eventually shut down due to the accumulated mess and clutter. Perhaps this is why the creator began with the intestines first, knowing the importance of elimination or waste removal in our own personal structures.
If you don’t eliminate properly or sufficiently, over time you will get sick, because now it is estimated that more than 90% of your immune system is located in your intestines. If your personal sewer system gets backed up, it pollutes your whole system. This is expressed in many ways: foul gas, diarrhea, constipation, aches, pains, fatigue, allergies, colds, flus, and more.
Most of us are good at putting things into our containers, but pay little attention to whether the same amount is leaving our bodies. If you don’t have equality between input and output, then clutter is accumulating and your job site will eventually be shut down.
Americans are one of the most overfed and undernourished people I know. Ever since the 1960’s, and with the introduction of fast food, processed food, preservatives and chemical use in farming and food production, nutrition has spiraled downward and disease has spiraled upward. With good fuel, such as: plant food, clean meat (grass fed or free range with no added hormones or antibiotics), filtered water, proper rest and a positive emotional environment, you are setting the stage for good health, vitality, and longevity. Note: Even with the best diet, if elimination is poor you will likely, eventually become sick.
People ask me how I recovered from a plethora of serious health problems. I reply, “I am a good janitor”. Whenever I felt my body going down, I helped it recover with enemas and colonics. The foundation of good health comes with helping the body get rid of the accumulated toxins.
So simply put…“If you are not poopin, you’re pollutin.” If your sewer is backed up, you don’t wait 3 days to call a plumber, you take action quickly. So if your personal sewer is backed up, you are creating disease within. Stop It! Do an enema, get a colonic, take an herbal laxative; just get things moving!
Be well…live forever. Love, Bill
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